Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Reformation Day, Kids!

What is Reformation Day? On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This act started the “Reformation” of the church.

Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther was born in 1483 in Germany, which at the time was part of the Holy Roman Empire. When Luther was 21 years old, he was almost hit by lightning during a thunderstorm. He was so afraid that he promised to become a monk.

Luther became a monk and then a priest. He continued to study the Bible and became a professor at the University of Wittenberg.

What was the Reformation? The Reformation was a time when Christians began reading the Bible for themselves. Luther and other Reformers challenged church leaders to follow the Bible instead of church tradition.

What were the 95 Theses? At the time, all churches in the Holy Roman Empire were controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. The leader of the Church was the pope. The Church was very corrupt. The Church taught that you could buy tickets into heaven, both for yourself and for dead family members. These salvation tickets were called “indulgences.”

Luther knew from the Bible that indulgences were bunk. He was angry that the Church was teaching things that were not true. He was also angry that the Church was tricking poor Christians out of their money.

Luther taught that salvation is a free gift from God. Christians are saved when we turn away from sin and believe in Jesus. Salvation does not depend on our good works or how much we give to any church. Luther wrote the 95 Theses as a challenge to read the Bible and have an honest debate about indulgences.

Quote from the pope about Luther: “Our pastoral office can no longer tolerate the pestiferous virus. . . the books of Martin Luther which contain these errors are to be examined and burned. . . We cannot suffer the scabby sheep longer to infect the flock.”

Quote from Luther about the pope: “I ask thee, ignorant Antichrist, does thou think that with thy naked words thou canst prevail against the armor of Scripture?. . . Does not thy meretricious brow blush that with thine inane smoke thou withstandest the lightning of the divine Word?”

What happened to Luther? Luther had many enemies, including the pope and the emperor. However, he was protected by a German prince, Frederick the Wise. Luther went on to marry a former nun and had 6 children. He continued to write books and hymns until his death in 1546, at the age of 62.

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